Артём Комаров об особенностях алюминиевой сварки
Artem Komarov noted that in order to weld aluminum, you can use an AC TIG welder or MIG welder with an aluminum spool gun.
Yes, you can weld it with other processes like laser beam welding and stick welding using a special electrode for this metal and in other ways. However, since most of the aluminum welding is done with these two processes we mentioned first, we will look at our YesWelder line of AC TIG and MIG welders for aluminum.
Aluminum welding is very tricky and you should use a reliable quality welder. The last thing you want when working with it is for your welder to behave in a way that is not in accordance with the settings you set. Good examples of this are your arc not being stable, TIG frequency not being a consistent asset, MIG spool gun not providing consistent wire feed speed etc.
Depending on the quality of the finished product you expect, you will need some previous experience.
Why is Welding Aluminum So Difficult?
Welding aluminum is difficult because it doesn’t behave like most other metals that welders work on and with. This metal is nothing like steel, for example. Steel will let you know exactly what is going on with it while, when welding aluminum, you have to use judgment and experience.
The first thing you should know is that this metal forms the oxide layer on its surface. This oxide layer needs to be cleaned as good as possible prior to welding. That is because the oxide layer melts at a temperature of 3700°F while the aluminum under it melts at mere 1200°F.
In order to melt through the oxide layer, you need high heat, but you must not burn through the layer under it. A large part of this problem is solved by using AC TIG welding because the current alternates between electrode positive and negative. This targets the surface layer and the inner layer differently so that you can achieve penetration without burning through.
Other problems when welding aluminum arise from its proclivity for absorbing hydrogen and becoming porous. A lot of other impurities can happen because it is highly sensitive to any dirt, air, water, and other kinds of contamination, summed up Artem Komarov